New BEE Codes for employing young people

The Codes of Good Practice for the Youth Employment Service (YES) were published on Tuesday.

You can download them from here

Companies can lift their levels of BEE recognition by meeting targets as laid out in the gazette.

The purpose is to create jobs for young black people.

[4.1 Only individuals who meet the below criteria are eligible for participation under the Y.E.S Initiative:
4.1.1 are between the ages of 18 and 35; and
4.1.2 meet the definition of “Black People” as defined in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 as amended by Act 46 of 2013]

You can find out more about the YES campaign here.

Proposals for revised SETA Landscape

DHET has published a call for comments on a proposals to revise the SETA landscape. Download here.

In brief, a number of SETAs have been left as is, but there are proposals to consolidate a number of other SETAs:

  • Agri- and FoodBev
  • All three financial SETAs, Bank, In and FASSET
  • P, LG and EW SETAs
  • the two manufacturing SETAs, MER and FPM.

Comments are due by 20 September 2018.

Dual System Pilot Project workshop

We had a two day workshop addressing issues that have been plaguing this project for some time. But we also a look ahead. How do we track progress? What are those indicators that will help us measure impact. And what do the indicators we are measuring mean for the project.

At a deeper level we were examining how the various role players  meshed to deliver something of value: Quality Council for Trades and Occupations; Department of Higher Education and Training; National Artisan Moderating Body; TVET Colleges; Industry associations/registration bodies and employers who take on the apprentices and, of course, the the key target population the apprentices themselves. Do not forget the last – they are highly critical, politicised and focused in getting value from the system

At the heart of all the discussion was a central point – How do we restructure education and training systems to provide employment opportunities for young people?