Recent Papers
2015. Skills @ Work Journal Vol 7, p 53 Occupational qualifications: Work experience and real skills development – a extensively revised and shortened version of the presentation and paper for the SkillzHUB Conference (below).
2014. Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) Project Mapping links between occupations and Classification of Educational Subject Matter (CESM)
2013. SkillzHUB Conference 2013 – Occupational Qualifications – Work experience and real skills development. This is a working paper expanding on the conference presentation which was never formally published, but I often get requests for it.
Recent Presentations
2015. 3rd Annual Learnerships & Work Integrated Learning Conference. Guidelines and practices for work experience
2013. SkillzHUB Conference 2013 – Occupational Qualifications – Work experience and real skills development.
Anecdote Concerning the Death of Enterprise by Quality Assurance